Our first prototype Dog Basket- modelled by Teal, our Labrador and her mother, Rosie. Not only is it indestructible, is is also very smart, cannot slide around the floor easily (like some plastic dog beds) and it allows ventilation of the bedding from underneath.
It has been made to accommodate a Medium Joules bed at 880mm x 670mm, but will fit most other Medium beds from other suppliers. The baskets are all handmade from scratch and therefore will be made to the exact measurements that you require. The size will be reflected in the price (and there is no additional charge for the bespoke aspect). The smaller the dog, the smaller the price! We are also happy to make design alterations or include lettering to make the basket even more personal to you and your dog.
The basket in the pictures is constructed of 16mm, 10mm and 6mm round bar and 10mm thick flat bar for the scrolls.
Our first prototype Dog Basket- modelled by Teal, our Labrador and her mother, Rosie. Not only is it indestructible, is is also very smart, cannot slide around the floor easily (like some plastic dog beds) and it allows ventilation of the bedding from underneath.
It has been made to accommodate a Medium Joules bed at 880mm x 670mm, but will fit most other Medium beds from other suppliers. The baskets are all handmade from scratch and therefore will be made to the exact measurements that you require. The size will be reflected in the price (and there is no additional charge for the bespoke aspect). The smaller the dog, the smaller the price! We are also happy to make design alterations or include lettering to make the basket even more personal to you and your dog.
The basket in the pictures is constructed of 16mm, 10mm and 6mm round bar and 10mm thick flat bar for the scrolls.